Little Caesars’ New Social Campaign on the Pitch

Little Caesars’ New Social Campaign on the Pitch

By Social No Comments    September 30, 2013


Recently on AMC’s show ‘The Pitch’, Little Caesars, one of the worlds most recognizable and popular pizza brands, auditioned two advertising agencies to come up with a way to change consumer ideas about their product. Little Caesars wanted a new campaign to emphasize the quality of their dough, sauce, and cheese. The agency who won on this episode was CommonGround; they created a campaign based entirely around social media.

tumblr_mt5k9hgERr1shb487o1_500The Creative Director of CommonGround, Mike Williams, came up with the idea of creating a character to represent the key quality points that Little Caesars wanted to accentuate. This character was named “Chuck Perry”, an employee of Little Caesars who excessively shares and posts on Twitter about the quality of their ingredients. The CommonGround team also created a humor filled video about a customer service representative who apologizes for Chuck’s nonstop chatter about the pizza quality.

I feel like this was a very creative and successful campaign. By implementing social media, Little Caesars is reaching a very wide demographic. Chuck Perry’s humorous tweets are entertaining and allow the company to seem more personable. “I was the only kid on my block that wanted to adopt a cow instead of a dog. #PureQueso”.

Chuck even has his own blog page on Tumblr and introduces himself as: “A great man once said some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. I have no idea what that means but my name is Chuck Perry and I work for Little Caesars”. With this character, Little Caesars is marketing themselves in a friendly and fun way. As a consumer, this campaign stands out. I would rather follow or like “Chuck Perry” on a social media platform for funny posts, than follow the Little Caesars company page. By creating a humorous character that I can relate to they have become much more interesting and fun to me.

Author Oya Voices

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